Thursday, August 11, 2011

Assest For Manager

Hiring and developing managers in any economy is challenging. Finding a manager with the management competencies, leadership skills, decisive judgment, and intellectual horsepower necessary to help lead your company requires a pre-employment assessment that can thoroughly and accurately assess management abilities and competencies. Here is a validated approach for hiring and developing managers that our clients are finding more successful than a Personality Profile or an Intelligence measurement.

Assess For Managers is the most validated and respected middle and upper level management selection and developmental tool available. It it an internet based, expert system that produces evaluations for executive managerial, professional evaluations for use in the business management environment. Developed by organizational psychologists and business consultants, reports are written in plain business language. Assess For Managers assists hiring executives and human resource professionals in two critical human resource functions:

  • Making effective executive and managerial personnel selection, placement, and promotion decisions.
  • Providing objective developmental feedback and suggestions to the person being assessed.

Assess For Managers is really five pre-employment or post employment tests in one; Critical Thinking (thinking through and solving complex, multifaceted problems), Abstract Reasoning (thinking through abstract information to grasp new ideas), Personality (25 traits measuring thinking, working and relating characteristics), and Mental Alertness (intellectual horsepower). Many of the personality measurements directly correlate to Emotional Intelligence. Results can be compared to over 75 different executive, managerial, supervisory and professional templates of "peak performers." All pre-employment and post employment tests meet and exceed EEOC, ADA, and APA guidelines and requirements.

Executive Assessment is an in-depth evaluation of a candidate's ability to direct and lead a major business unit. This assessment is designed to assist the organization in making selection or promotion decisions for critical positions. It measures conceptual thinking, innovative thinking, intellectual ability, pre employment assessment test , emotional make-up, interpersonal style, leadership and management style, competencies and focuses on business leadership qualities. These qualities include strategic vision, drive for results and team leadership values.

Managerial, Professional or Supervisory Level - At these levels, we recommend an in depth assessment process that provides a comprehensive view of the candidate's intellectual abilities, work approach, emotional makeup, interpersonal style, leadership style and management level competencies and results orientation. Reports include not only measurements of the above, but measurements of such competencies as Championing Change, Driving for Results, Planning and Organizing, Coaching and Developing Others, Relationship Management.


Competency Selection Report Testing for Management Competencies . This pre-employment assessment report allows you to measure a candidate against five levels of management competencies; Executive, Management, Supervisor, Sales Manager and Professional. To see examples of the competencies measured, select from the sample reports below.

Executive Competencies
Supervisor Competencies
Professional Competencies

Competency Development Report Developing Management Competencies – Written for the manager, this post employment testing tool helps managers recognize their managerial weaknesses and correct them. It provides an in-depth explanation of how the manager's unique management traits help and hinder themselves and others on the job. The report provides tailored developmental recommendations including specific actions to take, books to read, and seminars to attend. It culminates in a developmental action plan design to help the manger put the recommendations to work, track progress against competency improvement goals, and improve needed competencies and productivity.

Executive Competencies
Supervisor Competencies
Professional Competencies


Standard Selection ReportHiring the Right Manager . This pre-employment testing report guides human resource professionals and hiring managers through the critical elements of hiring the best manager for the position. Human resource managers and executives can compare the management candidates to 72 different executive, managerial, supervisory and professional templates of peak performers. Example Reports:

Sales Manager
Production Manager

Standard Developmental ReportDeveloping the Manager . This post employment assessment report is written for the individual manager. It includes an assessment of how he or she will respond to leadership and management situations. It provides developmental strategies and action plans to capitalize on strengths and improve leadership and management abilities. The Management Development Report recommends books, audio tapes and seminars tailored to the manager's strengths and improvement opportunities. Many clients use the Developmental Action Plan to jump start the new manager's career or turnaround a marginal manager. Example Reports:

Sales Manager
Production Manager

Simply, there is no more effective tool to assess and develop management and leadership competencies and abilities than the Assess for Managers Program. Call us today at 800-947-5678 to discuss how we can custom fit this validated program to your company's managerial assessment and management development needs.


Validation and Research